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Not Alone 
Fall 2022

Made in Unity


3D Modeling & Character Creation


Not Alone is a puzzle game without words. The setting takes place in a house divided into three segments or “levels”. Each segment of the house challenges the player with a puzzle they must investigate and solve.


These levels consist of a kitchen, living room and bathroom. Creating over 20 interior furniture and puzzle pieces using blender.

The entity is a mysterious figure that lurks around as the player progress in the game.


Collaborating to team discussion about the entities visual design and creating concept art. The entity was modeled, rigged and animated using blender.


  • Aaron Gonzales: Player movement, Scene Design, Audio Design

  • Amanda Bahadori: 3D modeling and Character Creation

  • Benjamin Quang: Sound effects

  • Daniel Wild: DoorScript.cs, AreaTrigger.cs, BedroomLocks.cs Voice of Creature,
    Helped with BreakTvAudio.cs/Static Puzzle, Modified LightFlickerEffect.cs

  • Jennifer To: Audio Design

  • Julie Khou: BreakTvAudio.cs/Static Puzzle Implementation, Puzzle Design, Audio Design, Scene Design

  • Liam Kaldes: Menu UI & Pause Mechanics, Padlock UI & Puzzle Mechanics, 4 Digit Lock UI & Puzzle Mechanics, Entity Movement

  • Matthew Chen: Inventory system, Picking up items, Event system, Light puzzle, Lighting

  • Nicolas Stepp: Texturing Assets, 3D Modeling, UV Mapping, helped production

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